Welcome District 16!
Please click the individual images below to begin downloading your weekly tracker, as well as bonus handouts for each weeks' lessons.
Your Weekly Tracker
Use this tracker to document your progress each week.
Your Wholly Trinity Guide
Need to get more greens into your daily meals? Try one of these 90+ recipes for salads, green juice and green smoothies.
Week 1 Session Notes
Here's a brief overview of what we covered in the Nutrition meeting, and some helpful tips to start changing your thoughts around food this week.
To Grain or Not To Grain
Download this free guide to make the decision about going gluten free during our program, and if gluten-free is right for your health goals.
Close Enough Seconds
Wanting to move something unhealthy off your plate? Check out my quick substitutions guide for my favorite 'close enough' seconds.
Meal Planner
Make your grocery list and weekly plan with ease when you map out your meals for the week ahead of time using this planner.
Week 2 Session Notes
Here's a brief overview of what we covered in the Mindset meeting, and some helpful exercises for re-framing your thoughts and patterns.
Five to Thrive
Week 3 Session Notes
Here's a brief overview of what we covered in the Mindfulness meeting, and some guidelines for making self-care, self-empowerment and personal development a priority every morning.