Music is a TOTAL “state changer,” and since “training” ourselves everyday to be who we want to be in the world is one of my personal practices and coaching credos, and since I LOVE all sorts of music, I offer you my first playlist called, Carol Egan’s Playlist #1 “Can’t Hold Us.” Music shifts our mindset in literally just moments!
Think about how some songs make you cry in an instant, or lift you up with just a few beats. I integrate “power” and fun music into my day, every day, to drive my results-driven goals. And oh, yes, that DOES include a particular playlist for whatever result I am up to producing at any particular time!
Here I offer you a playlist of 45 of my favorite empowering songs to remind you that EVERYTHING is possible and that FUN is essential (though I do have lots more, which I will post in another blog). The adrenaline-rush alone from listening to fun music raises our bar! I listen to this music when I work out, when I rebound, when I make fresh juice, when I clean. I blast it when I am driving down the road with my sunroof open… especially when I am headed to attend a networking event, or to meet a client. NO doubt, I am in “total state,” totally upbeat when I arrive. I train to ensure this! Ha! Most times I even say when I get to where I’m going, “I hope the party I just arrived to is as good as the one I just left in my car!”
Playlist #1 “Can’t Hold Us” is just over 3 hours of pump-you-up, FUN music! Listen through the whole list, or use the scroll bar on the side to fast-forward through to the songs you like best. With that said, most of the songs I included offer lyrics that will empower you. Some are included just for fun, so you might want to “give it a go,” as I created it! Whatever you choose, stream it in your car to get your mojo going!
Please leave a comment with some of your favorite empowering songs that I may have left off this first list! I look forward to hearing what songs set you up for success!