Have you ever experienced a moment when you knew with all your heart that something bigger than you was guiding you?
Like that moment you looked into your newborn child’s eyes for the first time and felt your heart well up with a feeling of love you never knew before. Or like that moment you felt like Heaven was touching Earth in the sun streaming through the clouds. Or like the crocus breaking through the warming, but still cold earth.
Somewhere in between the acute anxiety that unpinned my every waking moment back in my hairdresser days, and racing home after work to get to the bathroom as-soon-as-possible because of the digestive problems that constrained my life; somewhere in between bearing the heartbreak of feeling throbbing cysts on my face as a young woman while trying to pretend it didn’t bother me, somewhere in between my late-night, comatose-like, sugar binge-eating and trying to make my life look all polished and perfect …
Spirit whispered to me.
Surrender. Trust. There’s so much more beyond these moments.
For no good reason and no understanding of what could be possible beyond the circumstances of my life because my body was so sick, but only the pull of my faith in what I heard, I knew something more awaited me.
I knew.
I knew that a much bigger and brighter me, beyond the symptoms of a sick body flickered within.
I knew I could access this Force within me if I listened deeply.
So I surrendered. I trusted.
And on my journey from illness to wellness, I learned that Spirit not only wants me to tell you about what I learned about healing the body, but expects me to tell you about,
- The force of Mother Nature and all she provides, and because we’ve veered so far away from her since the advent of modern society, pharmaceutical drugs and Fast-Food nation, we’re collectively getting sicker everyday with epidemic rates of chronic disease.
- How lost we’ve gotten in the world of accomplishment and doing, that we’ve forgotten who we are and the power that sources us and lives in us, that if we remembered this, we’d never eat degraded food-like substances.
- About how important it is that we reconnect with ourselves, to reconnect with our basic commonsense and goodness about nourishing our bodies in the ways that we can feel Spirit move through us.
- How chronic symptoms and chronic illness are not normal, though you think so because so many in your family suffer from the same condition.
- How healing your digestive system will change your whole life in ways you can’t imagine, because its like a blind-spot blocking your view.
- How food-like, processed substances that you think are fueling you, are actually breaking your body down and causing you to feel apathetic and resigned, with a sense of self that is so far less than who you were born to be.
- How fun life can be, when eating healthy, healing foods and removing toxic waste matter and obstruction from your body.
I was directed to share with you all that I’ve learned about healing your body, so you too can experience and express your best self and Highest Purpose.
It’s my Sacred duty. It’s why I am here. I must share.
“To those whom much is given, much is expected.” ~Anonymous
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If you're ready to explore healing and digestive health, I created a bundle of 3 Guides to help you get started healing your body, to look and feel your very best again!
Beautifully said Carol, and exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you
I’m so happy it landed for you, Kathy! I was torn to share in this way, because I am such an ‘in action’ girl, that we are responsible for the quality of our lives. BUT, there is a sweet spot, that is where all the magic happens, and for me that is in between full-blown surrender and full-blown personal responsibility. I hope you are doing awesome! XO
Beautifully stated, Carol. So glad you shared this. – Susan ?
Thank you, Susan! I’ve got to be authentically me …
Loved this Carol – thank you for “coming out” . So beautifully said – I will follow you with joy in my heart and connection in my soul! XO!
Authenticity and being true to ourselves is so liberating, dear Wendy. Thank you for your continued encouragement!