Like me, has life asked you to look for the good in every experience, to bless it all, everything, especially the times that challenge you?
I dunno’ about you, but I can say that when I focus on being grateful, everything always seems so much better!
Gratefulness asks us to raise our bar. It asks us to be bigger than a moment… of upset, of anger, of jealousy.
Gratefulness is like a prayer in action, a rubber-meets the road opportunity, to see things differently.
Not surprising, research says that being grateful can cause us to feel happier, more fulfilled, that it can increase our sense of joy and well-being.
Who doesn’t want to feel more happy and joyful, right?
So… To help you do just that, I offer you 20 super-simple ways to create gratefulness everyday. Cheers to discovering one, or more ways that causes YOU to feel good when you “do it,” and far beyond the holiday season too!
- Begin your day with gratefulness for 3 things.
- Give thanks before every meal.
- Live each day with gratitude.
- Shift from thoughts of lack to thoughts of abundance.
- Transform the ordinary into extraordinary with thankfulness.
- Take nothing for granted.
- Remember the farmer when you eat your meals.
- See the Holy in the simple and familiar.
- Create a Gratitude Journal.
- Bless the people who hurt you.
- Look for abundance.
- Extend “thank you,” generously.
- Look for the good in everything and everyone.
- Send a weekly gratitude letter.
- Pause to appreciate it all.
- Look for the good in all.
- Be grateful for all.
- Appreciate challenges that asked you to grow.
- Search for the one reason that can help you shift from complaint to gratefulness.
- Close your day with gratefulness for 3 things.
How Wonderful… When I am grateful, I feel the power that takes over my being and at times even brings me to tears!!!
Thank You Carol for All that you do and do so well!!!
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving, Susan. ?
I agree, Susan, gratefulness has that kind of power to take us over! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!