Do you know that leafy greens are the most nutritious food pound for pound? Yup, leafy greens offer a limitless pool of nutrition and healing benefits because they alkalize the body, which is why you’ll always catch me in the kitchen every morning making green smoothies and green juices. Here are 10 important reasons why it is so good for you to include greens in your diet everyday:
- Purify the blood
- Assist in improving circulation
- Improve immune system and function
- Natural energy
- High in B-vitamins = promote intestinal health
- Anti-aging
- Lower cholesterol and inflammation
- Boosts bone health
- Improves elimination
- Supports healthy vision
I recommend alternating the leafy greens you eat. Leafy greens contain a small minute amount of nitrogenous organic compounds called alkaloids, which in the plant world is a really good thing because they act as a protective mechanism against the the animal kingdom wiping them completely out. But in humans, too much of one leafy green on a regular basis can have a poisonous physiological effect. Plus, by alternating our leafy greens, we increase the range of vitamin and mineral benefits each offer us. You can have spinach for a few days, then switch to kale for a few days and onward with any from the range available.
Here is an awesome alkaline green drink (think healing) from Dr. Robert O. Young, author of “The pH Miracle”
- 2 cucumbers
- 8 kale leaves
- 10 Swiss chard leaves
- 5 celery stalks
- 3 large handfuls of spinach
- 4 Roma tomatoes
- 2 green zucchini
- 2 avocados
Juice all the veggies and add to your blender, add 2 whole avocados (meat only) 1 oz liquid chlorophyll, 1-2 oz. EFA oil blend, and a high-grade, very clean greens powder. I sell the one I believe to be the best on the planet. Why? It is sourced from very pristine, remote areas in South American, where the soils and air are clean and unscathed, unlike highly-industrialized countries. Check it out here >>