The thing that stumps most of us about creating great health and energy is we don’t get that creating healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits is really more about shifting our thoughts, shifting our mindset, than it is about the perfect recipe. The pursuit of the next best diet, the next best healthy eating program, and even the next best recipe stays front and center, like the proverbial gerbil on the ever-spinning-gerbil — wheel, without ever accessing the ginormous benefits that rise when vibrant health and soaring energy are achieved with approaches that produce results that last.
As a holistic health coach that’s studied health and wellness, personal development and human potential for 25 years, I’ve learned over and over again that I can guide clients to healthy eating practices all day long, but without implementing strategies that I learned from the success experts, the results are more often than not short-lived.
Success experts know the secrets to producing results that last — maybe not necessarily about health, but success is success, right?
I’ve discovered that the credos for success in any area of life can be applied to every area of life when we want to produce results.
Poor health and a lack of self-discipline led me to the world of health and self-discipline. Early in life I didn’t know the majesty of accomplishment self-discipline offered. It just didn’t exist on my radar.
But in 2006 I made the decision to own my health and my life in very new and meaningful ways and formed what I call “Save My Sass Incorporated.” I was very clear that I needed to own my life, my health and my word to myself in ways that empowered me, so I chose one goal. I was new to goal setting at the time and had heard that it was best if I started with one goal — nail it down, and grow my vision from there.
My one goal? I chose to juice fresh juice at least four mornings per week to see how it would impact my health and wellbeing. The success I created with that one goal set into motion a whole next-level life for me, from the whole next-level health I began to experience.
My daily commitment to juicing led to a whole-life transformation because of the enormous health benefits that one commitment triggered. Yes, that is when I began to notice a whole new horizon rising in front of me because I literally felt that much better. I now say to clients, it’s like the ‘stuff’ that bothers you will simply fall off your radar if you follow my lead with healing your body and training your mind. I began to feel so good that I no longer even saw the “stuff” that used to trigger me.
I apply the following four “secrets” I learned from success experts like a religion in all areas of life. As I’ve learned over and over, these four ‘success expert secrets’ will help you nail down results in your health and in every area of your life. Read here at Huffington Post