Tis’ the season for Brussel Sprouts! I love them and traditionally pan roast them with garlic, which everyone loves, but … Everywhere I dine these days, Shaved Brussel Sprout Salads abound, so I thought I’d put a twist on one for ‘us,’ this holiday season. The blend of crisp and fresh with spicy and sweet is super delicious and super addictive! Don’t fear the density of the raw Brussel Sprouts. When shaved they become magically tender.
Typically ‘we’ like to try recipes before we serve them to our guests, but I promise you this, if you don’t have time to make a test run of this one, this recipe will deliver! Everyone will love the melange of flavors and textures that come together in this salad, and you’ll love it, because it’s easy-peasy to make.
(Serves 4)
- 3 cups of shaved Brussel sprouts
- 1/2 cup of shaved radishes
- 1/2 cup of shaved shallots
- 1 cup of sliced cherries
- 1 cup of cooked wild rice
- 1 -2 Lemons, juice
- Light drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Himalayan pink salt and crushed black pepper to taste
In a food processor, shave the Brussel Sprouts. Then shave the radish. Then the shallots. Toss in large bowl with dressing. Place ingredients on a light bed of wild rice and top with freshly sliced cherries to serve.
Buono Appetito!
Let me know how you and your guests liked this recipe in the comments section below.