Do you suffer from chronic illness, or know someone who does?
Maybe it’s not chronic illness. Maybe it’s chronic headaches, sore joints, allergies, fatigue, dry cough, even premature-aging?
I know, “who doesn’t experience one or more of these symptoms, right?”
I spoke to someone last week who suffers with five chronic illnesses.
Which is why you should know,
Every symptom, may it be physical, mental or emotional, is a sign of imbalance.
Every symptom.
We can respond at the first seemingly benign symptom, while trusting that our brilliantly designed body is telling us it needs our attention. Or we can wait to respond, and deal with the consequences waiting causes.
We get to choose when we respond and how we respond, and there’s typically two kinds of responses:
- A response based on what everyone else would do, like your family, friends and even doctors — This response is reactive and often fear-based. This looks like checking in with everyone you know and asking what they would do, or what they think you should do, rather than you going within to find what you know would be best for you. Or,
- A response driven by discernment. This choice is reflective, rather than reactionary, it’s calm, clear and empowered. Rather than looking for answers outside of yourself, you go within and you choose powerfully for yourself, even when others approve or don’t approve of your choice.
But there’s no choice when it comes to the solution. When it comes to healing the human body, the lowest-common denominator is creating order out of the disorder that’s taken over.
Your body, or your loved ones body wants to be in balance. The human body will do everything and anything it can to restore balance.
But here’s the rub — The human body, you’re body, needs your help.
Whether you were born with illness, lived on processed foods your whole life, or just never got on the get-healthy train early enough, your body, irregardless of it’s current state of health, continuously stalks balance… and it needs your help (to counter the acidic and unhealthy lifestyle choices you’ve made for far too).
So how do you help your body create balance, if disorder and illness, or even just seemingly benign symptoms have taken over?
Theres only one place to begin… “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,” and you’re the only one with the answer. It doesn’t live outside you, and no-one else knows what this one thing is but you. One thing, that if you do it, you know with full confidence you’re better equipped to make smarter choices for you! When you do this thing, you can feel your strength and clarity fire up — This is when you become what I like to call, “a self-actualizing machine!”
You KNOW that if you meditate, or go for a run, or sit by yourself with a journal and download all the gunk that causes you confusion and stress, you feel clearer, stronger, more confident, and ready to DO whatever you need to do, to reclaim healthy balance. This IS your one thing, that you must do with consistency and impeccability every day. This IS when you’re like kryptonite, able to defy unhealthy temptation like a superhero!
Because the more often you go within to access your inner wisdom and guidance, the more you will learn to hear and trust you, and what you know is best for you, and the more clearly you will be able to hear and trust the seemingly benign signals your body sends you as warnings to heed, not ignore.
Let’s be clear, the goal is NOT your one thing, but the GOLD-stuff the one thing gives you access to — Calm. Clarity. Confidence. Inner wisdom. This IS what you most want, to heal your body… and for every other good choice you hope to make.
Stalk balance. Do what you need to do to live in balance. Choose actions that create balance. Balance is what you’re after.
From this angle, every symptom becomes your most trusted and reliable advisor.
Don’t you just love that? It’s a reframe, and it’s a game-changer!
If you or someone you know is suffering with chronic symptoms, or suspect now’s the time to grab hold of your health, I am accepting new clients. To schedule a consultation click here, contact me at 860-836-1990 or email me at