Have you noticed that everyone’s an “expert” these days? With the explosion of social media and it’s free platform to spotlight individual opinion, and the gorilla marketing strategies that even your 12-year old neighbor can study on YouTube, many insist they know exactly what you need to do to be your best self. But to my point, there are many health “experts” who claim they know exactly what you should eat to look and feel healthy and vibrant.
In response, you may feel completely confused and have no idea what to do, or what is best for you and your body. I can’t blame you. I didn’t know what to do either, when I first set out to find answers on how to reclaim my health and vitality.
The Impact of the Modern Lifestyle
But with the impact of the modern lifestyle, Fast-food Nation, the immediate gratification fishbowl we’ve all been raised within, with it’s endless ripple effect on the state of our health and quality of life, especially with the growing statistics of chronic disease… Which is all now further complicated by technology and social media, I recommend you consider what you think is best. I recommend you spend some time questioning the insanity of the escalating statistics of chronic disease today, on you, or someone you love dearly, and even drill deeper to find answers to sub-questions beyond, “what diet is best?”
But to ask different questions, you’ve got to step back from all the external noise of social media, technology, TV and opinions of others, so you’re not simply responding to what they think is best for you. By shutting down all the external noise and turning inward, you’ll better hear your own wisdom, your own inner knowing and… your own basic commonsense. This is why meditation and mindfulness have grown by leaps and bounds. These teachers and practitioners know that by turning inward, you can gain access to your most primal, innate personal wisdom and power.
Many years back, long before social media took over my life (It’s addictive and destructive in nature, it’s been designed to be addictive, so consequently can be destructive), I identified three questions before the flood of “experts” could cloud my reasoning — Three questions I call lowest-common-denominator, and generative questions that helped me reclaim my health. I continue to use these questions, as I navigate the red waters of “expertise.” I share these three questions with you, to inspire you to step back and go within, to see if they resonate as smart, as basic commonsense, as useful.
My Three Guiding Questions:
What does the human body most need to thrive? Hint: Energy I know, you’re goal is to simply look and feel your best — You might not give a flying hoot about things like quantum physics. BUT… If you dial back to elementary level science, you’ll remember learning that solid matter does not exist in the universe. That at our most basic structural level, at an atomic and subatomic level, you and I are a whirling buzz of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are packed together in the center of the atom, the nucleus, and the electrons buzz around them at crazy high speed! So… if we’re more energy than matter, doesn’t it make sense to stalk that which gives us more? (Hence, why I talk about eating more raw foods with electricity = Life Force Energy!)
- What foods will give maximum energy and (MOST important) leave the body efficiently? Though there’s an endless stream of dietary theories and recommendations today, it’s smart to consider what each actually propose — If the recommendation includes processed, denatured, devitalized, dead and/or heavy, dense foods that are hard for the body to breakdown, eliminate or cause excess inflammation and mucous production, you want to ask a few sub-questions, like,
- Does the food you’re eating give the body energy, or does it take more energy than it gives (To break down, digest and eliminate)?
- Does it give energy, and leave efficiently, so not to add to, and/or promote the growth of yeast, mold, fungus, rogue bacteria and pathogen in the body? (Alas, the preponderance of digestive and autoimmune problems today — Stagnancy is the root of illness.)
- Does the diet include foods that feed the overgrowth of yeast, mold, fungus, rogue bacteria and pathogen?
- WHAT foods help the body release the backlog and accumulation of toxic waste matter? Some foods energize, leave efficiently, and magnetize toxic waste out of the body. These are the foods Mother Nature provides in abundance, and are best in their live, raw, alkaline state, especially leafy greens. Think of these foods like magnetic “Scrubbing Bubbles” that, with their Life Force Energy, literally pull accumulated toxic waste matter out of the cells and tissues in your body. That most of us have lived on the Standard American Diet most of our lives, if not all of us, this question is worth putting under your careful, probing lens. You don’t want to choose a diet that cause stagnancy. A stagnant colon is like a backed up septic system — What good can possibly come from a backed up septic system… in the middle of your bod, which is a critical backlash from living on processed foods for generations now.
From this context, choosing paleo, keto, vegan, vegetarian, raw, WFPB or any of the many other new and fan-dangled diets that have spawned in response to the myriad of chronic symptoms we’re experiencing today, is not the quintessential question.
You must first ask different questions, so that you can get the answers you need as to why you’re still experiencing chronic or acute symptoms, though you eat healthy. This effort alone can yield enormous benefit.
If you step back, commonsense will tell you that many of these diets, on second take, make no sense scientifically. You’ll begin to understand how, though you’ll initially feel better from most any diet, if you stopped eating processed Franken-Foods, over the long haul, they’re simply not sustainable. You’ll begin to realize that, as with everything, like Tony Robbins said, “The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself.”
Your Turn
Do you struggle with what diet makes best sense?
Do you still experience acute or chronic symptoms, though you eat healthy?
Has the fast pace of life caused you to feel disconnected from your deeper inner-knowing, your basic commonsense?
Perhaps you’ve got questions. Please post them, or your thoughts, ideas or comments below. I’d love to help. Or email me here.